Strong protection for your data and your privacy​

IDer security: Ensuring Authenticity and Integrity

IDer QR Code Security

Our perspective on privacy and security

IDer stands out as it adopts a multi-layered security approach. Moreover, it combines various components into a holistic strategy where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Additionally, IDer enhances modern multi-factor authentication with an in-depth verification process. Furthermore, it establishes a reliable link between the user’s digital identity and their smartphone through strong encryption and the exchange of one-time tokens. Furthermore, IDer revolutionizes QR codes by introducing features of advanced security. These include robust digital signatures, anti-fraud protection, and a unique guarantee of the user authentication process. This cutting-edge technology raises the level of security and reliability. Consequently, it ensures access to services is safeguarded against any manipulation or fraud attempts.

Thanks to these advancements, users can be confident that their digital interactions through IDer are secure and protected. As a result, their privacy and the integrity of their personal data remain intact.

Storage and
transmission of data

IDer ensures the protection of your digital identities. Your data is revealed only when you choose to access a service and explicitly authorize the sharing of such information with IDer partners. You have the power to decide if and when to share your data. This is made possible through the OAuth2 authorization protocol, which requires explicit consent from the end user for any data transmission to third-party services. Behavioral data related to your access activities is shared anonymously, exclusively with the partner companies you’ve registered with. Additionally, you have direct access to your data in-app at any time, directly from your device. With IDer, you retain full control over your information management. This level of transparency and control ensures that your digital interactions with IDer are secure and respect your privacy, safeguarding your personal data protection.

IDer QR Code Security


  • Multi-factor authentication: fingerprint, facial recognition, device, OTP (One-Time Password)
  • Certificate pinning
  • Public key cryptography


  • Digital signature
  • One-time QR Code and Unique QR Code


  • Data encryption
  • Database encryption


  • Symmetric and asymmetric cryptography
  • Advanced DDoS protection
  • Multi-channel verification


Available for iOS & Android.